del più e del meno

Non è una cosa seria e di sicuro qui non troverete pezzi di letteratura, grandi discorsi filosofici o politici, inchieste giornalistiche, niente di tutto questo…

È solo un dialogo schizofrenico interiore (cioè siamo in due ma non ve lo vogliamo far sapere…)

Elon Musk and Donald Trump as Batman and Robin (AI generated by Grok)

Take a good look at this world, how riddled it is with huge, gaping holes, how full of Nothingness, the Nothingness that fills the bottomless void between the stars, how everything about us has become lined with it, how it darkly lurks behind each shred of matter. This is your work, envious one! A...

«Gaming is the most dynamic and exciting category in entertainment across all platforms today and will play a key role in the development of metaverse platforms», said Satya Nadella, chairman and CEO, Microsoft. «We’re investing deeply in world-class content, community and the cloud to usher in a new era of gaming that puts players and creators first and makes gaming safe, inclusive and accessible to all».

Microsoft news

Mondo nuovo per le gemelline di «Shining»...

Movies have lost a lot by this new trend towards documentary realism at the sacrifice of fantasy. After all, drama is life with the dull bits cut out.

Alfred Hitchcock, 1956

Pandora riceve doni dagli dei (vaso del V secolo AEV - British Museum) [colorized]

A crowd of shadowy faces from the mirrors
That line these walls are watching me.
    I dare not
    Lift up the lid.

The Masque of Pandora VII. The House of Epimetheus (1875) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


sembravano traversie ed eran in fatti opportunità

Gianbattista Vico, dallepigrafe dedicatoria premessa alledizione del 1730 di Principj di scienza nuova; Società Tipog. De Classici Italiani, 1836, p. 7.